Archive for the category "Homeschool Fun"

Fresh Start 2015

First Day

Where Love Learns Its Lessons

"A true home is a resting-place to which at close of day, the weary retire to gather new strength for the battle and toils of tomorrow. It is the place where love learns its lessons, where life is schooled into discipline and strength, where character is molded. Far more than we know, do the strength and beauty of our lives, depend upon the home in which we dwell. He who goes forth in the morning from a happy, loving, prayerful home into the world's strife, temptation, struggle, and duty is strong, and inspired for noble and victorious living." ~J. R. Miller, 1894

Dr. Chanequa's Musings

Writings on Race, Religion, and Wellness


Just another site

mommy mannegren

Life with the Baby Bottle Half Full

Relentless Pursuit

Just a buckeye relentlessly pursuing Jesus

Schoolmarm Ohio

A Resource for Home Educators

Kristy Sutton

This Hard Calling

the value of humanity

doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves

The story of a working wife and Mommy of two cool girls and one au-some little boy!


Living an ART filled life...“Creativity is a God-given ability to take something ordinary and make it into something special. It is an openness to doing old things new ways…The creative spirit is part of our heritage as children of the One who created all things. And nurturing our creativity is part of our responsibility as stewards of God’s good gifts.” - Emilie Barnes, The Spirit of Loveline

Malcolm Guite

Blog for poet and singer-songwriter Malcolm Guite

Sean M. Watkins

Strengthening the Black Voice at the multi-ethnic table.

A Hopeful Reality.

Unconditional Love. Extravagant Grace, Hope for the Soul.

Positively Orphaned

HIV Adoption Photolistings | Special Needs Adoption Stories

The Forgiven Wife

Learning to Dance with Desire